Legal Notice
This website belongs to Picoinspect with NIF / CIF ES24364354V and address G. V. Marques del Turia, 60, 46005, Valencia, Spain, with email:, and aims to inform the general public of the activities it carries out, the services it provides and the characteristics of its products.
Picoinspect reserves the right to make changes, at any time and without prior notice, to the information contained on this website or to the configuration and presentation of this website.
Picoinspect is not liable for any consequences, damages or losses arising from accessing this website, use of the information within it or access to other topics on the Internet, derived from its connections.
The intellectual property rights of all elements included on this website, such as, and not limited to, photographs, designs, melodies, applications and others, belong exclusively to Picoinspect. Access to this webpage does not imply authorization for its use, thereby, the corresponding civil and/ or criminal responsibilities may be derived from such unauthorized use.
Any references made on this website to any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any information using a third party trademark, trade name, manufacturer or supplier, etc, does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or any recommendation by Picoinspect.
In general, those client relationships which derive from the provision of the services contained on our website, are subject to Spanish law and jurisdiction.